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── slow 生意差的

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── run over 輾過

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Go down this street and turn right. 沿這條路直走然後右轉

Ex. Do you know the way to the Washington Monument?


Eat Breakfast, Stay Slim 吃早餐,保窕窈


A new study has shown that teenagers who eat breakfast and exercise every day are slimmer than teens who don’t eat breakfast. This study 1)tracked the 2)diets, weight and exercise habits of 2,216 American teenagers over five years. The study found that the teenagers who ate breakfast every day weighed less than those who didn’t. The 3)average weight of those who didn’t often eat breakfast was 2.3 4)kilograms more than those who did.In a telephone interview, the professor in charge of the study said, “In the study, we found that the 5)participants who often ate breakfast, and especially those who ate it every day, were healthier than those who didn’t. They also exercised more often, and ate healthier food.”

一個新的研究顯示每天吃早餐並做運動的青少年比不吃早餐者來得苗條。這項研究追蹤二千二百一十六位美國青少年的飲食、體重和運動習慣長達五年時間。研究發現每天吃早餐的青少年體重較不吃早餐者輕。不常吃早餐者的平均體重比吃早餐者多了二點三公斤。 在一個電話訪問中,負責這項研究計畫的教授說:「研究中,我們發現常吃早餐,尤其是每天都吃早餐的參與者,比不吃早餐的人來得健康。他們也經常運動,並吃比較健康的食物。」

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1.  track

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l       行蹤;軌道;足跡[P1]  n. (名詞 noun)[C]

èWe followed his tracks in the snow to a hut.à我們沿著他在雪地上留下的足跡走到一間小屋旁。

l       小徑,小道

l       鐵軌,軌道[P1]

èThe train jumped the track.à火車出軌了。

l       【體】跑道;徑賽運動

èHe runs around the track every morning.à他每天清晨繞著跑道跑步。

l       歷程;行動路線;思路

èYou're on the wrong track.à你想得不對了。

l       慣例,常規

l       (坦克等的)履帶

l       跟蹤;追蹤[(+to)] vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

èIt was not long before I tracked down the lost wallet.à不久我就找到了遺失的錢包。

èThe hunter tracked the wolf and managed to catch it.à獵人追蹤狼,並設法逮住它。

l       沿著(道路)

l       走過,通過

l       ...上留下足跡

èThe dog tracked mud all over the shiny kitchen.à狗在廚房發亮的地板上留下一屋子泥。

èThe child rushed into the room and tracked dirt over the floor.à小孩衝進房間,在地板上到處留下帶泥的腳印。

l       ...鋪軌

l       追蹤  vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

l       留下足跡

l       (攝影機)跟蹤攝影[Q]

l       [(+about)]

2.  diet

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l       飲食,食物[C][U]  n. (名詞 noun)

èTheir diet chiefly consists of grain and vegetables.à他們的飲食主要是穀類和蔬菜。

l       (適合某種疾病的)特種飲食[C]

èNo chocolate, please. I'm on a diet.à請不要放巧克力,我在節食。

l       (病人)指定飲食  vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

l       進規定的飲食;忌食;節食  vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

èShe is dieting to lose weight.à她在節食以減肥。

l       diet2釋義 同義字/反義字 變化形

l        (有時大寫)(丹麥,日本等的)議會,國會[C]   n. (名詞 noun)

èThe Diet is now sitting.à國會現在在會期中。

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1.  average

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l       平均,平均數[C]  n. (名詞 noun)

èAn average of two students are absent each day.à每天平均有兩個學生缺席。

l       一般,普通;中等[C][U]

l       平均分,成功率[C][U]

l       【商】海損

l       平均的[Z][B]  a. (形容詞 adjective)

èThe average age of the boys in this class is fifteen.à這個班級中男生的平均年齡為十五歲。

l       一般的,普通的;中等的

èIt was an average piece of work.à那是一件普通的產品。

l       【商】按海損法規估價的

l       算出...的平均數,...平均分配  vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

l       平均達到,平均做到

èHe averaged nine hours' work a day.à他平均每天工作九小時。

l       使平衡

l       平均為[L]  vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

èThe rainfall there averages 300 mm a year.à那兒的年降雨量平均每年為三百毫米。

2.  kilogram

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l       公斤[C]

èThe largest brain possessed by any dinosaur weighed about a kilogram.


3.  participant

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l       關係者;參與者  n. (名詞 noun)

l       參與的;有關係的  a. (形容詞 adjective)

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Go down this street. 這條路直走

Ex. Go down this street and turn right.


A Dancer Comes Home 知名舞者回鄉貢獻


Chen Li-ying, a dancer from Kaohsiung 1)County, loved dance from the time she was small. She was 2)influenced by her mother and aunt, who were both good dancers. After studying dance in high school, she won a 3)scholarship to study 4)ballet in Boston. Next, she joined the Boston Ballet 5)Company, one of America’s most famous ballet companies. In her six years as a 6)professional ballet dancer, she 7)performed in the U.S., Canada, Germany and Switzerland.

After living 8)overseas for many years, Chen finally decided to come home and 9)contribute her knowledge and experience to the development of dance in Taiwan. Since returning, Chen has taught dance at two high schools in Kaohsiung County, and has performed with Chang Hsiu-ru, another local ballet teacher, at the Kaohsiung Cultural Center.



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1.  county



l       【美】郡(次於州的行政區);【英】郡(最大的地方行政區)

2.  influence


(v.) 影響

l       影響,作用[C][U][(+on/upon)]  n. (名詞 noun)

èThe influence of climate on crops are self-evident.à氣候對農作物的影響是不證自明的。

l       影響力;勢力,權勢[U][(+over/with)]

èMr. Smith is a man of influence in this town.à史密斯先生是這個鎮上有權勢的人物。

l       有影響的人(或事物);有權勢者[C][(for/on)]

l       影響,感化;左右[O2] vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

èI don't want to influence you. You must decide for yourself.à我不想影響你。你必須自行決定。

3.  scholarship



l       學問,學識;學術成就[U]

èThe book is a fine piece of scholarship.à這部書是一件優秀的學術成果。

l       獎學金[C][(+to)]

èHe won a scholarship to Harvard.à他獲得獎學金去哈佛讀書。

4.  ballet



l       芭蕾舞[C][U]

èMy niece has practiced ballet for six years.à我姪女已練了六年芭蕾舞了。

l       芭蕾舞音樂[C]

èHe wrote several ballets.à他寫過幾首芭蕾舞曲。

l       芭蕾舞團[C]

5.  company



l       公司,商號[C][G]

èTom works for a computer company.à湯姆在一家電腦公司上班。

l       劇團[C][G]

l       陪伴;友情[U]

l       伴侶();同伴(),朋友()[C][G]

èPeople are judged by the company they keep.à根據某人結交的朋友便能判斷其人了。

l       客人()[U]

èDo you expect company for the weekend?à這個週末你家有客人嗎?

l       【軍】連[C][G]

l       全體船員(包括船長等)[C][G]

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1.  professional



l       職業();從事特定專業的[Z][B]  a. (形容詞 adjective)

l       職業性的,非業餘性的[Z][B]

l       很內行的;極稱職的;高水準的

èa highly professional administratorà一位非常內行的管理人員

l       【貶】以...為業的,擅長...

èHe is a professional complainer.à他是一個發牢騷專家。

l       職業選手n. (名詞 noun)[C]

l       專家,內行

2.  perform



l       履行;執行;完成; vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

èThe young doctor performed the heart operation.à這位年輕醫生為病人做了心臟手術。

èThey always perform their duties faithfully.à他們總是忠實地履行自己的職責。

l       演出,表演,演奏

èThe students will perform an opera next Friday.à這些學生下星期五將演出歌劇。

l       演出,表演,演奏[(+on/at)] vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

èThe soloist had never performed in London before.à那位獨唱者過去從未在倫敦演出過。

l       (機器)運轉;()行動,表現[Q]

èOur team performed well in the match yesterday.à我隊在昨天的比賽中表現得很出色。

3.  overseas



l       (或向)海外;(或向)國外  ad. (副詞 adverb)

l        ()海外的;()國外的[Z][B]  a. (形容詞 adjective)

èan overseas marketà國外市場

4.        contribute



l       ();捐獻,捐助[(+to/towards)] vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

èHe contributed half of his savings to the relief fund.à他將積蓄的一半捐獻給救濟基金會。

l       貢獻,提供[(+to/towards)]

èHe didn't contribute one idea to the document.à他對這個文件沒有提供一個主意。

l       (稿)[(+to)]

l       捐獻[(+to/towards)]  vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

èHe contributed generously to the Red Cross.à他對紅十字會慷慨捐助。

l       貢獻,出力[(+to/towards)]

èHe never contributes to the discussion.à他在討論時從不發表意見。

l       投稿[(+to)]

èThe scientist often contributes to an academic journal.à這位科學家常常給那家學術期刊撰稿。

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Exchanging money 想換錢

Ex. Where can I exchange money


Different Clothes for Different Weather.  這樣的天氣這麼穿


Anna says

Leo says

Summer sounds too hot for me. Maybe I’ll come see you in the fall.

Sure, if you like rain. You’ll need to bring a few umbrellas.

Anna says

Leo says

Why a few? Can’t I just bring one?

Come on. You always leave umbrellas everywhere.

Anna says

Leo says

That’s true. And I need a raincoat, too.

And rain boots. You don’t want to *ruin your shoes.

Anna says

Leo says

Wow. You know me and my shoes. What about the 1)temperature?

It’s cool and 2)wet, so it feels cold. You’ll need to wear a sweater under your raincoat.

Anna says

Leo says

Sigh. Nothing but 3)cloudy, wet weather

The wind is really strong, too. You can’t wear a skirt, that’s for sure.

Anna says

Not in 4)windy weather!























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1.  temperature

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Ex.  I wear a hat to keep my head cool and drink lots of water.  我戴帽子讓頭部保持涼爽,並喝很多水。

Different Clothes for Different Weather. 這樣的天氣這麼穿


Anna says

Leo says

I should come visit you this summer. How hot does it get there?

It gets really hot. I heard that it got up to 102 1)degrees last summer!

Anna says

Leo says

Oh my god! Youll 2)fry in that 3)heat!

I know.

Anna says

Leo says

So what do people wear in the summer?

*Light-colored 4)cotton T-shirts. And cotton shorts, *of course.

Anna says

Leo says

Cotton keeps you cool?

That’s what they say. I think I can get used to the cold. But I don’t know about the heat.

















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1.        degree (n.)

KK: [ ]


l       ,度數[C]

èWater freezes at zero degrees Centigrade. à水在攝氏零度結冰。

l       程度;等級[C][U]

èOur teacher has a high degree of responsibility. à我們老師有高度的責任感。

èI agree with you to some degree. à在某種程度上我與你意見一致。

l       學位;學銜[C][(+in)]

èHe has just got his M.A. degree.à他剛拿到文學碩士學位。

l       地位;身分;階層[U]

2.        fry (v.)

KK: [ ]



l       油煎,油炸,油炒vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

èShe fried eggs for breakfast.à她煎蛋當早餐。

l       在油裡煎(或炸,)vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

èThe fish is frying.à魚在煎。

l       【口】激動;發怒

l       油炸物,炒菜;炸薯條;【美】(在郊外舉行的)油煎品聚餐 n. (名詞 noun)[C]

èWe had a steak fry last Friday.à上星期五我們舉行了炸牛排野餐會。

l       魚苗,魚秧;成群的小魚;成群的孩子 n. (名詞 noun)[C][M]

3.        heat (n.)

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l       ...加熱;使暖[(+up)]  vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

èThe stove heats the room.à暖爐使房間溫暖起來。

l       使激動;刺激

l       變熱,發熱[(+up)]  vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

èThe water is heating on the stove.à爐子上的水在熱起來。

l       激動起來;發怒

l       熱度;溫度[U]  n. (名詞 noun)

èThe sun gives off heat.à太陽散發出熱。

l       暑熱;高溫[U][S1]

èYou can't walk about in this heat.à你不能在酷暑中到處走。

l       熱烈;激烈;激怒[U]

èIn the heat of the argument I lost my self-control.à在激烈的爭論中,我失去了自制力。

l       (母獸交尾期的)性慾衝動[U](賽跑等的一個)賽次;預賽[C];壓力;脅迫[U]

4.        cotton (a.)

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l       ,棉花,棉屬植物;棉紗,棉線 n. (名詞 noun)[U]

èShe sewed the buttons on with cotton.à她用棉線把鈕扣縫上。

l       棉布;【美】原棉,棉絮

l       一致,和諧[(+together/with)](與某人)親近,開始交好[(+to)]  vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

èThat dog doesn't cotton to strangers.à那條狗不喜歡生人。

l       【俚】理解,明白[(+on/on to)]

l       棉的,棉製的 a. (形容詞 adjective)


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